A Shrivelled Heart

Well, it’s been a long time since I have posted anything at all…. The result of moving towns and changing jobs mostly. Here is a short story. It’s about how our hearts are like mandarins. Well, mostly they are like muscle and so quite different to a fruit and not really the same size or… Continue reading A Shrivelled Heart

My Soul Will Be Satisfied (Psalm 63)

This song was written in 2012 by Andrew Gould. He was reading Psalm 63 and so he figures that really the words aren’t exactly his. He did a recording of it sometime back, but then rewrote the tune; this is the new version. Andrew is on vox and his Larrivee acoustic, Tanya plays keys, Ian… Continue reading My Soul Will Be Satisfied (Psalm 63)

Jesus Alone

Jesus Alone Chord Chart (pdf) Jesus Alone Chord Chart (Word doc) This song was written as I thought about Jesus’ death and resurrection and His claims that if you had seen Him you had seen the Father. Further to this is the opening of John’s gospel – ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the… Continue reading Jesus Alone

An uncertain Dream

The origin of this short story is a bit strange, even for me. When I sent it to my daughter to read I wrote … I woke up this morning with the first phrase of this story in my head and then I ran the dialogue along as I lay in bed… and then I… Continue reading An uncertain Dream

Faith like a Child (Faith, hope and love) – at the Variety Bash

This song was written some time back, but I never had the chance to do it with more than just Ian and I. When we had the opportunity to do it at the Variety Bash on the Taupo Domain, we decided to throw in some original songs with the covers we were doing. So….finally a… Continue reading Faith like a Child (Faith, hope and love) – at the Variety Bash

This is you (Bethany’s song) – Live version

This song was written for Bethany and was sung only for the second time in public at this event (the Variety Bash). Ian and I had performed it the week before at an arts event at the theatre the week before. This is the first time we had done the song this way, quite uptempo… Continue reading This is you (Bethany’s song) – Live version

Running Free

I started meandering along with this piece back in 2010. I laid down the main structure of the song all in one sitting pretty much. I hadn’t intended to even write a song as I recall, but it is amazing what comes out of a person when you sit down and pour out your heart.… Continue reading Running Free

Ian’s instrumental

This song was written by Ian as a short solo guitar piece probably 15 years ago. Tanya then added a lovely flute piece to it quite a bit later. We used to play it back in the day when quiet, sort of meditative music may be helpful, in church or elsewhere. This particular recording is… Continue reading Ian’s instrumental

Holy Jam

At the Rumours of Worship on the 6 November 2010 we had been singing about the holiness of God and we ended up in this pretty passionate jam around some of those ideas. The piece starts off with Cheryl praying a pray about us being committed to God and his ways. We end up digging… Continue reading Holy Jam